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Tax Collection

Please make all checks payable to Beckie L. Reinhart, Tax Collector.


Please include a copy of the bill for my records, if copy is not included, include an additional $5.00 for a duplicate bill charge.  If neither is included in payment, the payment will be returned to the taxpayer.


Please mail all payments to: 


Beckie L. Reinhart, Tax Collector

393 Hepner Road

Hamburg, PA   19526



Lock Box is at the Windsor Township Municipal Building located at:


110 Haas Road

Hamburg, PA  19526



PLEASE do not put any payments in my mail box at my home!  I am not responsible for payments left where they do not belong!


Any questions or concerns, please call, (610) 562-5468.



 2024 Spring tax information


Update, January 24, 2024


     Taxes will now be taken starting March 3, 2024 at the new township building located at 110

Haas road, Hamburg PA. Sitting hours will be as printed on your tax bill. March and April, Wednesday evening from 4 pm to 5 pm. In addition to these hours, I will be at the new township building to take tax payments on April 18 and 25 from 9am to 10am and April 23 and 30 from 5 pm to 6 pm. Also you can use the lockbox located at the new township building to drop off your payment or mail your payment to 393 Hepner Road, Hamburg, PA.19526.  NO PAYMENTS ACCEPTED IN PERSON AT MY HOME.

     If you are paying in cash, YOU MUST HAVE THE EXACT AMOUNT DUE. All payments must include a copy of your bill or a $ 5.00 charge.


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